Tues – Fri (9a – 5pm)
Plot 57 Uitvalgrond, R566 (Brits Road)
Pretoria (Akasia)
Gauteng, ZA
You do not need to pre-book to attend services. Entrance is FREE.
For more information, kindly call our office: +27 12 703 9629/+27 12 703 2629
Avoid Hitch hiking hotspots.
Avoid asking for lifts from strangers nor accept any from strangers
You can find Taxis at the following Taxi Ranks:
We have read and heard of miracles, signs and wonders that God reveals when a prophet is born. Similar to Jeremiah, John the Baptist and recently William Brenham and many other great men of God, so was it for the man of God – Lesego Daniel